"The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me." Psalm 138:8a

Monday, February 13, 2012


Today I had a nice three hour drive back to campus by myself.  That is a lot of time to think... and even over think.  With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I couldn't help but think of love.  How God show's us His steadfast love over and over again.  I was reminded of this the other day when I read through Psalm 136: "His love endures forever." is repeated 26 times, once after each phrase.  God's hesed [passionate, devoted, sacrificial] love endures forever.  What have I done to deserve such a love?  Nothing but be a depraved sinner.  The awesome part of all this is that God allows us the ability to show others His hesed through us.  What a vessel we are.  In 1 John 4, John lets us know all about this love.  God showed us His love for us by sending His only begotten Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins.  John goes on to say, "Dear friends, since God so love us, we also ought to love one another." (v.11)  This is a command not an option.  So loving other's is meant for every day of the year, not just Valentine's Day.  Show God's hesed.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Nothing But Grace

        For the past couple of months I have been overwhelmed by God's grace in my life.  Even more so in the past couple of days.  He has given me so much more than I deserve.  I do not deserve God's steadfast love.  I do not deserve my current life situations.  I do not deserve my godly friends and yet God has proven Himself faithful time and time again.  Some things that have been on my heart that He has allowed to happen in my life include supportive and loving parents, a job, working with deaf students, working with Special Olympics PA, discipling, backpacking, peace and strength.  It is so exciting to look back and see God use past events in my life to bring glory to His name through my life now.  

        One item that has particularly been on my mind is a verse that my Dad had given me back in November.  I am reminded each day of it: "The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your steadfast love, O LORD, endures forever." Psalm 138:8a  I am constantly reminded of this verse and am making sure I think on this truth continually.  God has created me for a purpose that I have yet to fully comprehend.  He reveals Himself to me each day in a new way and each time it amazes me.  I could not ask for a better way to be living my life out for my Creator, the Creator of the universe! The same God that has created the galaxies wishes to invest in His children, of whom I am a sinner.  I do not deserve such a relationship and yet He offers it so graciously.  He sees me without blemish and of that I am truly grateful.  Thank you for this life and for allowing me to live it out for You.  Walk the narrow path and I promise you will not regret it. Matthew 7:13-14.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Brand New Day

      Since the beginning of this new year I am continually being reminded that each day is a new day.  I must not dwell on the past but continue to go on toward the day when my Savior returns.  Until that day, I must do all to bring glory to His name.  
      With the new year came a new me.  My new year's resolution is to be more spontaneous and outgoing in my actions and efforts to serve God in every aspect of my life.  What might that entail?  I am living on the edge and having no regrets.  In the past month that has consisted of applying to work at a summer camp (never been done before), doing photography for the school magazine (never been done before), working for a Teen Leadership Conference (very nervous about), designing a tattoo (which I'll be getting next Saturday), going to South Africa for 3 weeks (never thought I would do that), working at a school for deaf and hard of hearing children (never in my wildest dreams!), and investing in the young women on campus.  I'm sure there are many more but I just cannot think of them as of yet.  With all that said, I do not know what God has planned with my life but I am so excited to see how He will use me.  I continually remember that "the LORD will fulfill his purpose for me" (Psalm 138:8). I am trying to place myself in the position for God to use me to greater His kingdom.  I am learning to have a faith and confidence that God will fulfill what He has promised in His Word.